Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Witch City Chick

Sunday I ran the Witch City 5K in Salem, MA.  I didn't have any ambitious goals for this race considering that the three weeks since my last 5K have been full of rain and stomach flu.  Needless to say, running hasn't been high on my list of priorities.  I basically wanted to finish without stopping to walk.

This race was a lot of fun because it was located in the heart of Halloween-Salem.  People were encouraged to dress in costume, and most did.  I was a costume minimalist.  I figured that I didn't need anything that could potentially slow me down.  I ran with my friend Maddy, and she just so happened to have a tutu in her trunk (obviously), so I slipped it over my running shorts and called it a day.

The course was relatively flat, with only a couple gentle hills.  I felt great, much to my surprise.  I expected to huff and puff and basically die (remember sickness and non-running for three weeks?).  I wasn't lightning fast, but I kept a pretty steady pace and didn't stop once.  Goal achieved!

Here are the stats:

Place No.  Name                Div/Tot  Div   Ag S City              St Nettime Guntime Pace

291 4416 Lindsay Kasmarcik     56/126  F3039  30 F Georgetown        MA   30:57   31:11 10:03

There were 529 total runners, so I was pretty pleased with my finish (291st).  While I ran this race 20 seconds slower than my previous 5K time, I was happy with my performance overall.  More importantly, I was happy with how I felt throughout the race.  Yippee!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Here We Go Again

I registered for another 5K!  On October 21st, I'll be running the Witch City 5K in Salem (costumes required).  Salem is always fun and crazy in October, so I can't wait to see what a costume run brings to the city.  Hopefully, Scotty-Boy and my little goblin will be joining me for the race.  This competition thing is a little addictive...

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Apple Harvest 5K

On a rainy Sunday, the day after Kellen's first birthday, Scott and I ran the Apple Harvest 5K.  The weather was so disgusting, we hemmed and hawed about whether we should run or not.  I decided that I had paid and trained for this run so I was going to do it, downpour and all.

We had originally planned to bring Kellen along in the jogger, but we made a game time decision to have Grandma (Scott's mom) and Grammy (my mom) hang out with him on the sidelines.  

There were 228 runners in the 5K race.

The course was super hilly.  I wasn't anticipating that, but luckily I had been running hills over the past two weeks.  While the hills were challenging, it was nice to be able to coast on the downhills.

My goals for this race was to run the entire thing, without walking, and beat my last 5K time.  I achieved both goals!  Woo hoo!  My official time was 30:28, and I averaged 9:49/mile.  I finished 124th out of 228 runners.  I was 54/130 women and 12th (out of 31) in my division.  Overall, I finished 3:28 faster than I did in my last race.  I'm pretty proud of myself!

Scott has run with me maybe a couple times over the past month.  He definitely hasn't "trained" regularly for the race.  So, it stands to reason that he would kick my ass, right?!  Harumph!

Scotty-Boy finished in 25:13.  He averaged 8:07/mile, and was 38th out of 228 runners!  Scott was 32nd out of 98 men, and 5th in his age division.  

I'm glad that we were able to run together, even though "together" meant Scott was 5 minutes ahead of me.  At one point on course, there was a hairpin turn on the last hill.  I passed Scotty while I was trudging up the hill and he was cruising down.  I think we may have done a cheesy little smile and high five thing when we saw each other.  Nonetheless, it was fun to be active and working toward a goal (of finishing) together.  Here's hoping we run another 5K soon!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Registered for My Second 5K

I registered for the Apple Harvest Run on September 30, 2012.  The proceeds of this race benefit one of the elementary schools in my district.  The run is on the day after Kellen's birthday party, so I'm hoping Scott and Maureen will run with me.  I'm also looking forward to maybe having some spectators (and a cowbell???) since our families will be visiting for the little guy's birthday.  I have to start thinking about what I want to wear...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hit It Up (Rural) Style

We are visiting my mom this week in Upstate NY.  This morning, Scott and I decided to go for a run while Kellen was napping.  We took advantage of the free babysitting (AKA-Grammy).

The town my mom lives in is perfect for a nice morning run.  The village lies in a valley so it is nice and flat (read-not too strenuous).  There are sidewalks and/or wide shoulders on the village streets, and there is minimal traffic (there isn't even a traffic light!).  Another plus is that there is lots of scenery along the town loop.  Bucolic, some might say.   We jogged passed cute houses on quaint streets, cornfields, cows, horses, alpacas, and creeks.

Running with Scott is motivating.  He is faster than I am (which is SOOO not fair considering that I run a lot more regularly than he does) so he pushes my pace.  The weather was gorgeous-sunny with a cool breeze.  We had a great time getting some exercise and spending time together.  The best part?  Bubba was still sleeping when we got back from our 3-mile jaunt!

Today's run gets a 2!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Take Two (Week 8, Day 1)

I was all suited up, ready to run this morning.  Just as I was about to get the jogging stroller set up, the I heard the crackle of thunder and the skies opened up.  Grrrr.... So, I did what any normal, active mom would do.  I put Kellen down for a nap and caught a little shut-eye myself.

By the time we both woke up, the storm had passed and we were good to go.  Little man and I did our normal hometown circuit, with a few extras thrown in.  I'm up to 28 minute running intervals.  Since this was the first run I did since the 5K, my legs were heavy and tired.  I wasn't able to run the entire time.  I took a couple walk/stretch breaks.  That seems to be the name of the game.  I'm looking forward to when I can run the entire time...

I didn't feel great or awful.  I'd say I was about a 2 today.

Baby Boy was a bit underwhelmed by my performance...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

I Finished!

I ran my first 5K yesterday with my friend Maureen ("with" is a loose term considering she finished 9 minutes before I did).  We ran the New Suffolk Waterfront 5K in New Suffolk, NY.    It was a beautiful course along the Long Island Sound.

The day was hot and sticky, but I did much better than I expected.  I ran the majority of the 3.1 miles, with the exception of a couple of quick walk breaks after the hills.  I finished in 33 minutes and 56 seconds.  I was 36/45 in my division (female age 30-39....ugghhhh), 112/167 out of all women, and 215 overall (out of 297).  I didn't exactly set the world on fire, but I was proud of myself for finishing. 


Age: 30 Gender: F
Clock Time33:56
Overall Place215 / 297
Gender Place112 / 167
Division Place36 / 298
Age Grade43.6%
Sex Total167

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Birthday Run (Week 7, Day 3)

Bubba and I hit up the Topsfield Linear Common for a quick couple of miles today.  I had good intentions of going to the park, but stumbled upon this portion of the local rail trail and decided to give it a try.  I liked it because it was a bit more open than other portions of the rail trail, so I felt safe taking Kellen on my own.  It was a nice breezy day.  I was tired after the 25 minute all running interval, but I didn't feel completely exhausted!  I'm hoping to keep building my endurance this week so I don't embarrass myself at the 5K this weekend...

Today was a 2!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Running With Friends (Week 7, Day 1)

Since Maureen was visiting for my surprise birthday weekend, she and Scotty joined me for a run this morning. Mo is a runner from way back, so I'm sure she wasn't exactly challenged by my blistering pace, but it was fun to clock a few miles with friends.  

We hit the local rail trail this morning.  It was hot and muggy, but we enjoyed getting some exercising and spending quality time together.  I felt ok-not terrible, not great.  I took a couple quick walk breaks in the 30 minute jog (no more walking intervals).  With Scott and Mo setting the pace, I actually trekked a further distance than I have been on my own.  I wish Maureen was around all the time to keep me motivated (and so we can hang out, too)!

I think today's run was a 2!

Monday, July 30, 2012

I Registered For My First 5K

I'm running the New Suffolk Waterfront 5K on August 11, 2012 with my girl Maureen.  Scott and I will be on Long Island for his race, so I figured it was a perfect time to test out my knew running skills with one of my BFFs!  I'm excited to give my first race a try with a friend.  Hopefully having her with me will keep me motivated and also make it more fun (as fun as running can be).

Another Tough One (Week 6, Day 2)

Baby Boy and I went out for a run this morning.  I struggled a bit, but not quite as bad as last time.  I don't know if it's the weather, my route, the timing, or something else, but Week 6 has been tough!  We did a shorter loop around town (3 miles), running 10 minute intervals.  I did have to stop for a quick walk break here and there. Hopefully my endurance increases in the next couple of weeks because I registered for a 5K on August 11th!

I give myself a 3 for today.

Friday, July 27, 2012

The "Dreaded" Week 6 (Week 6, Day 1)

They don't call it the "Dreaded Week 6" for nothing, apparently.  Scott, Kellen and I hit the Cape Cod Rail Trail for the last run of our vacation today.  Boy was it a doozy!  We got a bit of a late start, and didn't get out of the house until 11am.  By this time, it was M-U-G-G-Y!!!  The running intervals were shorter than those in the last workout (5 minutes/8 minutes), but I was blowing hard from the first 3 minutes, or so.  I'm not going to lie.  I was glad when this one was over!

Today is a sad 4...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Another Gorgeous One on the Cape (Week 5, Day 3)

Scotty-boy, Kellen and I hit the Cape Cod Rail trail again this morning for a nice 5 mile walk/run.  It was cool and breezy, making it feel almost like a fall day.  I was a little nervous about the running part of the workout today because the plan was to run 20 minute intervals.  This is more than twice as long as the longest interval I've done so far.

All in all, I felt pretty good.  I did stop to stretch for a minute around the 7-minute mark, and then again for a 30 second walk around the 15-minute mark.  However, I'm proud of myself for persevering (and feeling decent) the majority of the run!

Today's run scores a 2!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Beautiful Morning on the Cape (Week 5, Day 2)

We're on V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N!!!  Normally that would mean lots of junk food and little exercise.  I won't lie, I'm still hitting up the junk food pretty hard, but I'm also still exercising!  Scott, Kellen and I went for a walk/run this morning, and let me tell you-it was awesome!  The weather was perfect (70 degrees and dry), and the scenery was beautiful.

We did about 5 miles on the Cape Cod Rail Trail.  This is a 22 mile trail that connects Dennis to Wellfleet.  The rail trail was flat and smooth and there was lots to see in the way of nature and fellow runners/bikers.  We ran 8 minute intervals (my longest to date) and I felt great!  I think we'll hit the trail again on Tuesday!

I give today's run a 1!!!

The iPhone Has Changed My (Running) Life

Now, let's be clear.  I'm no "techy" person.  I pretty much always wait until at least the 3rd or 4th edition of an electronic before jumping on the bandwagon, if at all.  Last fall, I was due for an upgrade on my phone and decided to get the free (old model) iPhone 3G. I figured it would be handy to check my emails and whatnot.

Now that I've crossed over to the other side, I don't think I could go back to an "un-Smart" phone.  Aside from idling away time on Facebook while I pump in the cave at work, the iPhone has made my new running habit a breeze (relatively speaking).  I have an app for the Couch-to-5K (C25K) program, as well as one for Pandora Radio and a nifty little pedometer/GPS/calories-burned counter.  When I'm out and about, I pump the tunes and use the C25K app to mindlessly keep track of my intervals, speed and distance.  There are several options for different "trainers" who can soothingly encourage me through my run or bark out orders to "JOG!!!!"

There's no need for me to wear a pedometer, carry a stopwatch, and strap on an MP3 player/headphones now that I've succumbed to the Apple juggernaut!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Early Morning 3-Miler (Week 4, Day 3)

Baby Boy K and I took it to the streets for a 3-mile jaunt while it was still cool and breezy this morning.  We did a loop around town.  I'm liking this particular route lately because it's just about exactly 3 miles.  There are minimal hills. The biggest one is at the very end of the loop so I usually hit it during my cool-down phase.  I also like running here because there is a lot to see and Kellen is entertained for the entire time.

Today's run was tough, but I felt much better than last time!  There was more actual running than walking.  My speed and distance were a little better.  I think the best part was that I didn't feel like I was going to die!

I give today's run a 2!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Today Kicked My Ass (Week 4, Day 2)

Yup.  That's right.  Ass whoopery!  I headed out bright and early to beat the heat.  Little Mister and I did a 3 mile loop around town at 7:30am this morning.  It took everything I had to make it those three measly miles.  My pace was off.  My endurance was off.  My distance was off.  Blah!  Maybe it was the humidity in the air (yeah, we'll blame it on that)...  More than likely it was all of the junk food I ate this week coupled with the fact that I haven't run since Monday.  Let's just say there was a lot more walking than running today.  Overall, I would give my run a 4.

It's all good though.  I hear, from more experienced runners than I, that you sometimes just have those days.  Sometimes running is awesome and exhilarating and you could just go and go for miles and miles.  Other times you feel like crap.  Oh well, better luck next time!   I had the opportunity to enjoy a beautiful morning with one of my favorite guys.  I say that's worth it!