Sunday, September 30, 2012

Apple Harvest 5K

On a rainy Sunday, the day after Kellen's first birthday, Scott and I ran the Apple Harvest 5K.  The weather was so disgusting, we hemmed and hawed about whether we should run or not.  I decided that I had paid and trained for this run so I was going to do it, downpour and all.

We had originally planned to bring Kellen along in the jogger, but we made a game time decision to have Grandma (Scott's mom) and Grammy (my mom) hang out with him on the sidelines.  

There were 228 runners in the 5K race.

The course was super hilly.  I wasn't anticipating that, but luckily I had been running hills over the past two weeks.  While the hills were challenging, it was nice to be able to coast on the downhills.

My goals for this race was to run the entire thing, without walking, and beat my last 5K time.  I achieved both goals!  Woo hoo!  My official time was 30:28, and I averaged 9:49/mile.  I finished 124th out of 228 runners.  I was 54/130 women and 12th (out of 31) in my division.  Overall, I finished 3:28 faster than I did in my last race.  I'm pretty proud of myself!

Scott has run with me maybe a couple times over the past month.  He definitely hasn't "trained" regularly for the race.  So, it stands to reason that he would kick my ass, right?!  Harumph!

Scotty-Boy finished in 25:13.  He averaged 8:07/mile, and was 38th out of 228 runners!  Scott was 32nd out of 98 men, and 5th in his age division.  

I'm glad that we were able to run together, even though "together" meant Scott was 5 minutes ahead of me.  At one point on course, there was a hairpin turn on the last hill.  I passed Scotty while I was trudging up the hill and he was cruising down.  I think we may have done a cheesy little smile and high five thing when we saw each other.  Nonetheless, it was fun to be active and working toward a goal (of finishing) together.  Here's hoping we run another 5K soon!