Saturday, May 18, 2013

Appleton Farms

Today was a beatific day.  Little Mister and I were itching to get outside and enjoy the sunshine.  I decided that a trip to the bucolic Appleton Farms was just the ticket.

I planned on a moderate 3 mile or so hike through the carriage road trails.  However, thanks to my awesome sense of direction and map reading skills, it turned into a 4.75 mile jaunt.  I stopped every half mile to bang out 20 squats.  There's nothing better than getting exercise in great outdoors with one of my favorite guys!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

30 Day Challenge (Day 11): Abs, Butts and Arms

Plank:  regular-20 seconds; side-15 seconds each side (1)

Squats: 120 reps (2)

Push-ups: 9 reps (2)

Saturday, May 4, 2013

30 Day Challenge (Day 1): Abs, Butts, and Arms

Plank: 20 seconds (0)

Squats: 30 (0)

Push-Ups: 3 (2-it was really hard to keep proper I'm weak!)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 30 Day Challenges

I've decided to jump on the 30 Day Challenge bandwagon for lots of reasons:

  1. I'm trying to get my body as strong as possible so as to avoid injuries like the one I enjoyed endured in November.
  2. I want to be fitter as least as fit as I was BB (before baby...maybe it should be BT for before toddler???).
  3. My mom is kicking ass in the workout department and my competitive side is not to be shown up.
  4. The 30 day challenges are organized in a way that makes sense to me.
  5. I like how it takes just a little effort to see results in strength.
  6. The challenges will take mere minutes each day, can be done anywhere, and I can bang them out while Kellen is sleeping or playing (theoretically).
  7. It's probably a better use of time than Facebook creeping...

So, here's what I'm working on this month: