Monday, April 29, 2013

Week 1, Day 2~ Doggy Style

Get your head out of the gutter!  I brought my canine son along for the run today.  It turns out he's about 6 pounds overweight and in need of a bit more cardio.  So, I figured he might benefit from a little Couch to 5K action, as well.  He did pretty well, despite getting tangled in the stroller wheel once and a nervous encounter with a hound during a potty break.  Anywho, I think it was a success all in all!  Here are the stats:

My back was a bit tight, so I'm giving today's run a 3.  The running was ok, but I didn't feel 100%.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I'm Back! (Week 1, Day 1...Again...)

So, it's been a while since I've posted about running because, well, there hasn't been any running.  After my totally sucky back injury in November, I have been sidelined.  It's been a slow recovery, to say the least.  I'm finally starting to feel stronger, so I decided today was as good a day as any to get back in the game.

Since we've been enjoying temps in the high 60s, I was itching to lace up my kicks and hit the streets.  My ever concerned PT husband has warned me to ease very slowly back into running. It's been a good 6 months and I am coming back from a pretty significant injury, so I decided to start the Couch to 5K program from the beginning again.  I figured it worked before, and it would definitely force me not to push myself too hard.

In addition to being antsy to get back to running, I was also excited to try out my new Garmin watch that Scotty-Boy got me for Christmas.  This nifty little gadget keeps track of all sorts of running data that I hope someday will make sense to me.  Here's a run-down of my "run:"

As you can tell, I was blazing fast (rolling eyes).  It's all good though, because the most important thing to me is that I was out there, doing my thing.  Plus, I had a really cute little buddy along for the ride!

Pay no attention to my gooch-eye...I may or may not have Bell's Palsy!

Today's run gets a 2.  I was slow as hell, but I felt pretty good all things considered.  Fingers crossed I'm not wracked with pain tomorrow!