Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What a Beautiful Morning For a Run (Week 3, Day 1)!

Following the thunderstorms of yesterday, I woke up to a brisk 60 degree morning and thought, "What a beautiful morning for a run!"  These are words I never thought would come out of my mouth.  Scotty-boy was home this morning so I dragged his bum out of bed to join Kellen and I on the trails at Bradley Palmer State Park.  I like running in this particular park because there is a nice, flat, paved trail that is easy for a novice runner like me, and is also a smooth ride for the babe in the stroller.  The tree of us pounded out a leisurely 2 miles while enjoying the cool breeze and the sounds of nature in the morning.  Now if only the park bathrooms were open this early...

I think I'd score my run a 1 for today!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's A Scorcher (Week 2, Day 3)!

Wowser!  Today was one for the record books.  Hot (98+ degrees) and humid!  I considered using the heat as an excuse to stay home instead of hitting the dusty trail.  However, I'm embracing my new status as runner so I laced up my electric blue running shoes, strapped the boy into the jogger, and set out for the park.

All I can say is thank god for dry-fit (I've invested in a few running outfits-must look the part)!  Something I've learned since becoming a "runner:"  running shorts have nice little underwear inside that are made of dry-fit material.  You ARE NOT supposed to wear cotton underwear (or any underwear for that matter) underneath.  That would be an invitation for chafing and other unsavory issues better left unsaid.  Since it was so steamy, I was very grateful for the moisture-wicking fabric that helped me evade the evil monster that is swamp ass.

I really thought that the heat would make the run unbearable.  Don't get me wrong, it definitely kicked my ass (probably a 3 on the rating scale), but I did my longest run to date.  I felt great afterward, and I was proud that I dragged my ass out there when it would have been much easier (and more comfortable) to stay home in the A.C.  Yay me!

dri-fit = no ass chap 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Mama's Running!

I have spent much of my life hating running.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE playing sports but I 've hated running just for the sake of running.  For most of my life,  I have played competitive sports.  Most of those sports require a good deal of running, but there was always a goal-chasing a ball, running to a base, or out-running an opponent.

Since having Kellen, I've had to dramatically decrease my athletic pursuits.  Between the cumbersome belly of pregnancy and the lack of time that comes with motherhood, I haven't been able to commit to the individual and team sports that I participated in BB.  In an effort to get some exercise and attain that awesome feeling that comes from physical exertion, I have decided to run.

Why running, you ask?  Well, I don't need a membership to run.  I can run whenever and wherever I want.  Probably the most important reason I've decided to try out this previously hated form of exercise a try is because I can bring Kellen with me.

Since I am severely out of shape, and running was never my forte, I can't exactly just lace up my sneakers and head out for a quick 7 miler.  So, I am following the Couch to 5K running program.  This program incorporates interval training to gradually build up speed and endurance.  The end goal is to run in a 5K race.

I won't say that I suddenly love running, but I do love getting outside with my boy, working up a sweat.  Who knows?  Maybe one day I'll be one of those crazy people running the Boston Marathon.  Probably not...

Buying new running shoes.

Using said running shoes.

Rating My Runs

I've been using an app on my iPhone that tracks my running progress in the Couch-to-5K program.  At the end of each run, I log my distance, speed, and overall feeling about the run.  The app uses a 5 point rating scale, similar (but not exactly) to the one below.

At the completion of each run, I reflect upon how I felt throughout the course of the run.  I take into account, my speed, distance, strength/weakness, pain (or lack thereof, hopefully) and general feeling about how I did.  I think rating myself will be important as I progress in my new running life!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

You Can Do It!

So I've started "running."  Running is a relative term, but I feel good about the commitment I've made to trying something that I've never been a big fan of previously.  Because my body has gone through some MAJOR adjustments in the past year-and-a-half (you know-pregnancy, labor, delivery, motherhood...) I'm a wee bit out of shape.  For this reason, I need to ease back in to physical activity.  I'm pretty proud of this mature decision.  In my former life, BB (before baby), I would have jumped in, balls to the wall, and probably injured myself.  I've grown up a little (very little).

How does one "ease" in to running?  Well, word on the street (think country road, not Mass Ave.) is that the Couch to 5K program is where it's at.  This running plan promises to "transform you from couch potato to runner, getting you running three miles (or 5K) on a regular basis in just two months."  I wouldn't exactly classify myself as a couch potato, but I'm not in the best shape of my life (to say the least.

I really hope that this program helps me learn to love running.  I will say that so far, it doesn't suck.  I think that's a good start.  I don't spend the entire time, counting down the minutes until I'm done, or perseverating on the pain I'm experiencing. I think that's kind of the point.   The goal of Couch to 5K is not to kill people, but rather gradually help them train their bodies to run.  Run I will!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

New Blog?

I've decided to start a new blog as I embark on a new life of running.  I'm writing mostly for myself so that I can keep track of the highs and lows, challenges and successes that I encounter while hitting the pavement.  I've entitled the blow"Fake It 'Til You Make It," because that's exactly what I'm doing right now.  I'm pretending to be a runner in the hopes that someday I will BE a runner.  Sounds great in theory, right?  We shall see...